Tagged: porcherie jewellery amazon


El Pais – by Pablo Albarenga

Read El Pais news article https://elpais.com/elpais/2020/08/24/planeta_futuro/1598275570_625662.html and view YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isyKq-LA11I


Newsletter 92

Nieuwsbrief 92 Newsletter 92 These times have been quite challenging but we also notice that new and positive things are happening in the community and we cherish this a lot. Here in the community,...


Newsletter 88

Happy 2020! This newsletter is about the two challenges San Martin de Amacayacu faces this year: The ongoing process of the land application and the complex situation regarding the CO2 trade in the region....

Success at the K3WK Art Event! 0

Success at the K3WK Art Event!

Last weekend, the Small World Foundation was present at the K3WK at event in the Porcherie in Riel. The people running the Porcherie create the opportunity for African artists to sell their work in...