We already mentioned a surprise in the 53rd Small World Foundation newsletter email. With great pride we announce that José Gregorio Vásquez from San Martin de Amacayacu won the “Darrell Posey Fellowship for Ethnoecology and Traditional Resource Rights”!!
This prestigous prize is granted by the American Society of Ethnobiology (www. ethnobiology.net), an organisation interested in studies and projects concerning the role of indigenous peoples in nature management and conservation. José Gegorio Vásquez will dedicate the prize to the project “Control of natural resource use in the ancestral territory of San Martin de Amacayacu”. The prize is two times 5.000 USD; for 2014 and 2015. However, the project is not only about control of natural resource use in the ancestral territory, but also aims to create clear rules for this use. Work to do!!
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