New publication!
We are proud to present this new educational and informative publication, which is a result of the work of Ana Maria Monsalve Cuartas, the Tikuna in San Martin de Amacayacu and the Uitoto of...
We are proud to present this new educational and informative publication, which is a result of the work of Ana Maria Monsalve Cuartas, the Tikuna in San Martin de Amacayacu and the Uitoto of...
After almost 18 months there was real contact again with Colombia´s ANT about the application for ancestral land recognition for San Martin de Amacayacu. In the next newsletter, we will report on the follow-up....
How strange it sounds: Thanks to the Brazilian Covid strain present here in the Amazon, massive campaigns are assuring an efficient vaccination of all rainforest inhabitants. And, lucky enough a fish pond project is...
In this second newsletter of 2021, we are proud to announce the series of maps we have developed to show how rainforest cover has changed in the area of San Martin de Amacayacu over...
In this newsletter, we are proud to announce that CO2 negotiations continue and rainforest vegetation cover is being mapped over time: Such constructive develpments!
Read El Pais news article and view YouTube video:
Bij deze zijn de fotos van de nieuwste sieraden geplaatst (klik op “verkoop sieraden uit de Amazone” hier rechts) en zijn zij beschikbaar op de verkoopadressen in Nederland. De sieraden zijn gemaakt van natuurlijke producten en...